Copyright 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

How to buy

Register your interest

Experimental HF1.1 “Hobby Falcon”

Begin your journey by filling out the simple registration form. Provide us with your contact details so we can keep you updated on the latest news, resources, and important dates related to the HF1.1 Hobby Falcon.

Step 1 - Sign Up

Registered, you’ll gain access to the latest information about the HF1.1 Hobby Falcon. Once available, we will share with your the detailed specifications, assembly instruction samples. We will showcase the components, tools required, and the assembly timeline.

Step 2 - Receive Information

Once we are ready to open the order book and take deposits for the HF1.1 kit airplane, you will be informed of the possibility and you will have the option to order the kit to get started on your build.

Step 3 - Place Your Order

Ready to get started? Sign up now and embark on your HF1.1 Hobby Falcon adventure!

**Privacy Statement**

At, we are committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring the confidentiality of the information you provide. The details you share with us through this form will be used solely for the purpose of communicating with you regarding your interest in our kit airplane offerings. We will not share, sell, or distribute your information to third parties without your explicit consent. Your trust is important to us, and we value the security of your personal information. If you have any concerns or questions about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us.
